Friday 7th February 2014

    Right then, its my Birthday, i got the day off work, and the sun is out, what the...................

    A few things to do, but the Bluetail is still at Marshfield too.....amazing.

   Wow, there are about 60 people there, how did they all get the day off too? Chatting to some of them, yes they did, just for this bird! I waited at the end of the queue for a while, until the hordes thinned out a bit. The light was good, but if i could get into a certain place, it will be better later, right behind me, i thought. So, thats what i did, got into position and shot away, until the sun was just right. Someone had put some Mealworms out for the bird, it had found them too! Lots mention that it wasn't as mobile as in the days before, but why would it be, when the food was right there? Its 'patch' had been narrowed down to a triangle of 3 Hawthorns. This made positioning for photos quite important, and also patience. They both paid off too...................i hope you agree?

Red-flanked Bluetail
Red-flanked Bluetail
Red-flanked Bluetail

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